Monday, July 2, 2012

Definition Part 2 - Americanist

One can call oneself anything they wish. However, if they do not subscribe and act accordingly to the basic tenets of that belief or group, then it is in name only. And therefore they are actually practicing hypocrisy, not the belief or group they claim to be part of. An extreme example would be this:
Someone claims to be a Catholic. Now a basic Tenet of Catholicism is that there is a Holy Trinity – God the Father, God the Spirit and God the Son. All Three as One. Now say this someone does not believe that Jesus Christ is God the Son. They go to Church each Sunday, they go to Confession, they do all the other things that being a Catholic is all about. But because they do not believe in one of the basic Tenets of Catholicism, they are not Catholic. Period.
Same goes for being an Americanist. There are some core beliefs and Tenets that one either believes in all of them or it doesn’t matter, one isn’t an Americanist.

The Ten Tenets of Americanism
Tenet – That there is a Supreme Being and that there was Divine Participation in the making of the USA.
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Tenet – That America is Exceptional and therefore has a strong belief in American Exceptionalism.
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Tenet – All men & women have certain inalienable rights. And with those rights an Americanist recognizes the Obligation that comes with each.
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Tenet – That every man and woman is equal under the law and bound by the law. That no one is ‘above’ the law.
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Tenet – That each Individual is responsible for their own lives and actions and that they carry their own load and not be a burden to society if able-bodied.
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Tenet – That the Federal Government has limited, enumerated powers and should have the least amount of economic, social and personal intrusions and participation.
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Tenet – That there is a Minimum Public Service Duty of all Citizens.
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Tenet – That those elected to Public Service/Office have a duty and obligation to serve Honestly, Honorably and for the Public’s benefit, not their own.
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Tenet – That the American economic system is based upon Capitalism and is run by the Private Sector, not the Government.
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Tenet – That Life is neither Fair nor Unfair. It just is.
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  And there you have the basic core beliefs of Americanism and what it takes to be an Americanist. When enough Americans believe and abide by the tenants then the system works and works very well. It is only when American Citizens start to pick and choose which to abide by does the system seem to be flawed. It is then that the greatest danger lies to the system itself. The very same people who only ascribe to portions of Americanism decry the system is ‘flawed’ and they know how to ‘fix’ it. History and reality have proved them wrong time after time; their ‘fixes’ merely water down and weaken the system, not strengthen or enhance it. The arrogance they display telling themselves and others that they know better than the accumulated genius of our Founding Fathers is beyond mind boggling. What they are actually doing is arguing against success; Americanism brought about the greatest nation on earth in less than 150 years. And now, with all of the ‘fixes’ having their impact the US of A really is in decline at this point in history. It is only when enough American Citizens start believing and living the Americanist way will the US of A regain its strength and ascendancy in the world theater, thus once again becoming man’s best hope.

  Americanism is very similar to a car in terms of analogy. A car’s purpose is to get a person from point A to point B.  Now if you take away some of the basic components (tenets to Americanism) of the car, such as the Engine, the electrical system, fuel and such, it will not work. If one takes away some of the Tenets of Americanism, how does one think that it will work?

Be an Americanist. It works.