Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Definition Part 1 - Americanism

Americanism. A philosophy pertaining to a political, economic and to some extent social system by which a group of individuals govern themselves and interact economically and socially. Having roots that go back to pre-Roman times, the final merging of ideas into true Americanism came about with the publishing of the Declaration of Independence of 1776 and then the ratification of the United States of America’s Constitution of 1788 and even up to the Bill of Rights Amendments(1791). Both documents, with further expanding and explanations coming from several other documents of the time, constitute the philosophy of Americanism; some written and some just simply taken for granted.

The first and foremost aspect of Americanism is the simple fact that there is something ‘higher’ than any government itself; a Creator, God or even the Laws of Nature. It is this concept that allows for the rest of the philosophy & system to exist and be so successful; true Americanism can not operate or function without this basic tenant. There are Rights and Liberties which are not given to us by men or governments and therefore can not be taken away by men or governments.

The Government Component
Americanism constitutes the merging of several forms of governing. Federalism, Democracy, Representative… they are all there somehow. But it’s the way the Powers & Authority are set up that make Americanism unique. It is the only system that gives the most Powers(quantity) to the Individual(lowest layer) yet gives the most Authority on settled issues to the Federal government(highest layer). And then add in the fact that it is the Individual that elects those on the Federal level and you have an inherent built-in system of, the first of many, checks and balances.

The Economic Component
Americanism uses Capitalism as its main form of economic policy. Capitalism’s primary tenant is that most production, consumption and ownership is by the non-government sector of society. It allows the Individual to make life choices that will dictate their own outcome to the largest possible extent in career, wealth and priorities. By its very nature it encourages people to strive, be productive and be innovative. This in turn offers the People more choices that they themselves then make pertaining to what is wanted and acquired.

The Social Component
The social component of Americanism has been written about in sections and pieces, but never in its entirety nor directly attributed to the philosophy of Americanism. While there are many aspects and variations to the social side of Americanism, there are however some core components that all else branches from.

--Equality. Not in skill. Not in possessions. Not in physical attributes. Not in mental attributes. Equality in value measured to another life; equality under the law; equality in freedoms; equality in choices and chances.

--Self-Reliance. Americanism prides itself on the self-reliance of its Individuals. They pull their own weight; they work to eat. They work harder to have nice things. They work even more or innovate something the society wants to have even more if they wish it. Their neighbor doesn’t have to feed them. Their city doesn’t have to house them. The Federal government doesn’t provide them with cradle to grave support.

--Self-Responsibility. Americanists own their own actions. They also own the results of those actions.

--Charity. Americanism is a philosophy that wants everyone to succeed, be happy, have enough, make their own choices. That’s the beauty of the system; it’s the first man-made, Divine-Inspired system that wants all of humanity to be free and be fulfilled. But, when Life intervenes and some have tough times, we gather together and get them through it. A temporary hand up not a life of a hand out. Local community soup kitchens, churches handing out bags of groceries, neighbors helping neighbors, family helping family. It's a philosophy that the lowest level on up is how to solve problems and help each citizen.

--Generational Improvement. Americanism consists of the idea that each generation builds upon the previous generation's accomplishments to improve the lot and condition of the following generation.

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